In 2014, children's book author and illustrator Lulu Delacre created the new logo for the Noyes Children’s Library Foundation. Her charming logo was inspired by spotting a barn owl perched on a high branch of a cherry tree at dawn.
Presently, she is working on a new book entitled Olinguito, de la A a la Z! Olinguito, from A to Z. Olinguito, a member of the raccoon family, was discovered by the Smithsonian in 2013 and became the first new carnivore species found in the Western Hemisphere after 35 years. Delacre consulted with 12 scientists and naturalists while researching this book. The artwork will showcase the wonders of the flora and fauna of the South American cloud forest. Delacre is a huge fan of the Noyes Library. She says, "Perfect in size for the little ones, it offers a cozy ambience where children can travel to faraway lands." Come visit Noyes and check out some of her books here. by Beth Meyer for the April 2015 MAKE MORE NOYES COMMUNITY UPDATE
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